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5 forward-looking posts to improve how you connect with an audience

With the year coming to a close, it's natural to see a lot of good posts that will help you plan your efforts for the new year. I have pulled out 5 that impressed me:

Why you need to understand native advertising

If you are a content marketer you need to understand native advertising. When done right, it can be a very powerful tool.

You are more likely to complete Navy SEAL training than click a banner ad (and other must know data points)

It can seem like a brutal environment when it comes to engaging a prospect. Understanding the environment is the first step to produce more effective communications.

Good stats to sharpen your mobile thinking

Mobile is growing faster than any other channel.  It's important to understand how people interact with information in this environment for you to be an effective marketer, storyteller, and more.

What you need to know about tablets and their users

We have to stop calling tablets "mobile".  Tablets demand a thoughtful approach that really considers the unique way users interact with these devices.

What not to do with your email subject lines

Email has become an overlooked tool.  But it still provides a relevant and effective means to reach your audience. Here are some good recommendations for email subject lines.

Hopefully, these will help as you plan your strategy for the coming year.  Cheers.