Why you should simplify your writing (even to a technical audience)

Over the years, I’ve run into the situation where smart, technically-oriented folks stubbornly refuse to accept guidance to simplify their writing. I get the excuse, “We are talking with technical people and they will consider it insulting to dumb down the language.”

First of all, who said anything about dumbing down? And second, just because you're great in your field doesn’t mean you are a great writer. Unfortunately, egos get in the way. I’ll just say this: if you’re truly great, you’ll have the self-awareness to see how someone who has expertise in their field could help you.

Why is that important? Because simplifying your writing can be a game-changer. Let’s look at some compelling reasons why.

Clarity is king

Have you ever read a piece of writing that left you scratching your head, wondering what the author was trying to convey? Complex sentences, convoluted phrases, and unnecessary jargon can muddy the waters of a message. Worse yet, it could cause readers to put you aside, thinking they’ll come back when they have more time and attention to give you and your difficult language. Here’s a little bit of insight: They never have more time and attention. So they eventually just abandon you.

By simplifying your writing, you ensure that your readers can understand your ideas without unnecessary mental gymnastics. Clarity invites engagement and comprehension.

Making it meaningful

In the technical realm, products and solutions often boast complex features that can be challenging to convey. Simplification helps you cut through the noise and highlight the core value propositions that matter most to your audience. By distilling intricate details into concise, easy-to-understand language, you emphasize the benefits that your offering brings to the table.

Reaching a wider audience

The internet has connected people from all walks of life, and your writing might be accessed by individuals with varying levels of technical proficiency. 

This is especially important when you consider those with ultimate decision-making authority – those in the executive suite. They might not have your technical expertise (that’s why you have your job). But it is crucial that you make it easy for them to understand what you are trying to convey if you want approval and funding.

When you simplify your writing, you open the door for a broader audience. Your ideas become inclusive, transcending barriers and allowing more people to connect with your content.

Respecting the value of people’s time

The incredible connectivity we have has increased the pace of life in our world. As such, people value their time more than ever today.

Nobody likes complicated writing that requires slowing down to comprehend or even stopping to reread. It can cause readers to lose interest quickly. Simple, concise writing respects your readers' time and makes it easy for them to understand and retain what you have to share.

Creating memorable messaging

Simplicity breeds memorability. Think of some of the most iconic phrases and quotes. What do they have in common? They're concise, clear, and meaningful. 

Simplifying is not about reducing your language to a rudimentary level. It's about distilling your message to its purest form, making it unforgettable and impactful. 

By simplifying your writing, you increase the likelihood that your message will stick with your readers long after they've put down your piece.

Building credibility

Clear and straightforward communication enhances your credibility. When your writing is clutter-free, you appear more organized, knowledgeable, and confident. 

Most importantly, your ability to simplify complex topics showcases your mastery of the subject matter and the coveted ability to create understanding.

Simplicity doesn't mean sacrificing depth. It’s not about reducing. It’s about amplifying so that those you are hoping to reach will be engaged and maybe even inspired by what you have to share.