Just being clear with your brand is not enough.

I get tired of self-proclaimed experts promising untold success if you just improve the clarity of your brand message.

While clarity is often considered a fundamental aspect of effective communication, it is important to recognize that clarity alone is not enough when it comes to developing our brand language. Don’t get me wrong. The ability to clearly communicate our brand's message is undeniably important. However, we may be limiting our potential to achieve greater things if we accomplish clarity and stop there.

Clarity is table stakes. It’s the price to play. It is not the thing that will give us the lift we’re looking for. 

There is a lot of noise out there

By solely focusing on clarity, brands risk sounding similar to others in their industry, blending into the background noise. And there is a lot of noise out there. Not only from our direct competitors. But also from our indirect ones. Those we hope to serve are inundated. Just being clear is not enough. We need to give them a reason to pay attention and even care.

Bland and generic at best

Clarity alone may result in bland and generic communication. I’ve seen this more times than I care to count. Brands get focused on the goal of getting clear with their message. Once they accomplish that, they stop. As a result we get messages like, “We are the premier supplier of widgets in the tri-state area.” Is it clear? Sure. Does it make you tingle with excitement to read more? Not even close. It’s bland. It’s generic. 

It misses the opportunity to stir emotion

A clear message may be easily understood, but it does not necessarily encourage engagement or dialogue. Brand language that goes beyond clarity has the power to create emotional connections and foster engagement. It enables us to tap into the desires and aspirations of those we hope to serve. And that has the power to set our brand apart.

The storytelling opportunity

When we go from just achieving clarity to stirring emotion, we open the door to powerful brand storytelling. Storytelling is a potent tool that can captivate those we hope to serve and create an emotional bond. Humans are wired to respond to stories. Storytelling has the power to evoke feelings, captivate attention, and leave a lasting impression. By utilizing a well-crafted narrative in our brand language, we can engage customers on a deeper level and establish a sense of shared values, aspirations, and experiences.

Quite simply, those who emphasize clarity alone may be missing out on the bigger opportunity to engage, inspire, and create deeper and more meaningful connections with those they hope to serve.

When our messaging resonates deeply, our customers and prospects become our most powerful marketing force. They willingly share their positive experiences, refer others, and amplify our message. The ripple effect of these brand advocates can significantly expand our reach and influence, far surpassing the impact of a brand message that is simply clear.