The secrets to creating a killer brand rallying cry

Developing a powerful rallying cry may just be one of the most overlooked opportunities for a brand. Far too many brands settle for some self-serving statement. Or have nothing in place at all.

Below are 5 posts that span the last 5 years and offer invaluable insight when it comes to your rallying cry. They include:

  • Help with understanding what a rallying cry can do

  • Pointers for identifying what constitutes a great rallying cry

  • Guidance on creating and evaluating your rallying cry

Each summary includes a highlight from the post as well as key takeaways. I hope you find them useful as you develop what will become one of your most valuable brand expressions.

Post: A tagline sucks. A rallying cry rules.

From the post: Think about summing up the essence of who you are in 7 words or less. Not describing who you are. Or what you do. I'm talking about capturing your essence. That magical thing that magnetically draws prospects to you. That rallying cry. That sounds awesome. Every organization should do that, right? Unfortunately, the vast majority either don't understand this or are too lazy to create that stirring few words that inspire us.

Key Takeaway: This post gives examples of the traps to avoid when developing one of the most important elements of your brand. It also analyzes a powerful rallying cry to give you guidance on creating yours.

Post: Is your brand tagline a mic drop?

From the post: There are a handful of words that appear underneath a logo. They’re often called a brand tagline - which I contend is a terribly inadequate name. After all, these few words sum up who we are. They should be incredibly well thought through. And meticulously crafted to capture our essence. Not something that is tagged on. Too often, that's what happens. And these expressions end up being an afterthought. Innocuous words that describe who we are or what we do. A squandered opportunity. This should be where a rallying cry takes shape.

Key Takeaway: This post demonstrates the power of moving from a tagline to an inspiring rallying cry. It details what makes a rallying cry different and the effect it can have on those you hope to serve and, in turn, your brand.

Post: How to build a powerful rallying cry

From the post: After your logo, your rallying cry is one of the most important assets your brand possesses. It is the distillation of all the things that make you unique and meaningful. As such, your rallying cry is the most potent verbal expression of your brand. There are two primary principles that guide the creation of a great rallying cry. 

Key Takeaway: This post dives into the anatomy of a great rallying cry, giving you actionable steps for creating one as well as giving you a tool for evaluating your efforts.

Post: We need fewer slogans and more rallying cries

From the post: Slogans (also known as taglines) are the bland middle ground of branding. For too many brands out there, they simply describe what the business does. Sometimes they attempt to tickle an emotion. By and large, slogans are lazy branding. They sit there below the logo, dragging down the brand.

Key Takeaway: This post details the dangers of relying on ai and slogan generators to create what should be one of your most thoughtful and moving brand expressions. It also gives additional examples of rallying cries done right.

Post: A great rallying cry has these 5 things

From the post: A great brand rallying cry is rarely accidental. It is the product of critical thought. And it reflects an understanding of the power of connecting to the larger purpose the brand serves. As you develop yours, consider weighing your efforts against these 5 characteristics of a great rallying cry.

Key Takeaway: This post lays out the 5 characteristics of a great rallying cry, giving you a valuable framework for developing your compelling expression.