Use this one simple word to explain the concept of brand purpose.

Thrust is defined in two ways. The less frequently used definition is:

a principal purpose, theme, or essence

It might be used like this – "The thrust of my manifesto is that every brand has the power to make a difference in the world."

The more common definition of the word is:

something that propels you forward or to higher heights.

There is something particularly interesting about one word that can have two such dramatic meanings. I have found that it is the perfect word to define what it is that makes a brand truly exceptional.

What is the thrust of your brand?

Every great brand knows how to answer this. As the definition says, it is the principal purpose that the brand embraces. To dive in a little deeper, it is the difference your brand can make in a life, a community, or even the world. I also call this your Big Audacious Meaning.

The thrust of your brand is what makes you irresistible to those you hope to serve. When all else is equal, we will choose to engage with brands that are doing some good in the world. It helps us feel like we are part of spreading the good.

As you can imagine, having clarity about your thrust can make you quite unique in the eyes of your prospect. When you have that, it leads you to the other definition of thrust.

Propelling your brand

There is nothing comparable to your brand having a clear and compelling purpose. It is an amazing accelerant. It has the ability to turn your existing customers into advocates, and even evangelists – leading to those elusive recommendations every brand seeks. Plus, as mentioned above, you'll find it has an unparalleled ability to attract those you hope to serve because it taps into a deep need we all have.

I like to use the concept of thrust when I talk with brands that are looking to clarify and activate their Big Audacious Meaning throughout the entire organization. It is a valuable bit of shorthand, delivering a meaningful and memorable way for everyone to understand what embracing brand purpose is all about.

As you talk about your brand purpose, consider introducing thrust as an approachable way to explain what purpose is and what it can do. I have found that people appreciate both the descriptiveness and simplicity.