It’s not enough for your brand to solve a problem for your prospect.

Brands go through an evolution. When they are young, it’s not unusual for them to focus on the problem that they solve. That’s a good thing. You have to be clear about the immediate need you can help with.

For example, a prospect notices bugs in her house. She decides she needs someone to come spray for them.

A pest control brand may message that they can quickly eliminate pests in a home.

Prospect problem. Brand solution. We’re done here, right?

Well, not so fast. The challenge is that after you solve that immediate problem there is not much reason for your brand to stick around in her head. Even though you did solve that problem, she may have trouble remembering you the next time she has a bug problem (“Who is that pest control company that we had come out that one time?”)

Why is that? For one, she has a lot of other things to think about. And two, even though you earned a place in her head that one time, you never carved out a spot in her heart.

Evolving your brand

More advanced brands understand that solving a problem is simply the price to play. Becoming a great brand requires that you serve an aspiration.

Let’s look at our pest control example again. People don’t really want a stranger in their homes spraying what can seem like some scary chemicals. They’ll put up with it because it’s solving a problem. What they really want is a place that is safe. A place that is beautiful that they call home. That is the more compelling driver. It’s an aspiration. And that’s what you should be focusing on as a brand.

When your brand serves the aspiration, you become more valuable. You aren’t just getting rid of a problem, you are helping them pursue something that is very emotional to them. 

Show them that you understand that. Show them how what you do helps them pursue the aspiration they have. It will make you more memorable. More valuable. It will earn you a place in their heart.

That has a tendency to create a ripple effect. You’ll find prospects calling for repeat business. You’ll find them recommending you to friends. You’ll also find that they’re more open to your premium services.

You’ll elevate above the category of a problem-solver. You’ll elevate yourself to the status of a brand that helps them achieve something near and dear to them.

Here’s the simple takeaway of all this. The decision to engage with a problem solver is made in your prospects’ heads. The decision to engage with a brand that helps them pursue an aspiration is made in their hearts. And decisions made with the heart beat the head every day of the week.

BrandingDan SalvaBrand