Got your brand purpose? Now do this.

I was talking with an organization recently that had done a pretty good job of creating its purpose statement. In fact, the statement met the criteria that I have developed over the years and that I lay out in the book Big Audacious Meaning - Unleashing Your Purpose Driven Story. It was encouraging to see.

Unfortunately, it was also hard to see. On their website, you had to scroll all the way down to the footer. And you had to find the tiny 'About Us' link in blue type against a gray bar and click on it. Then on the 'About Us' page, you had to scroll down past the fold to reveal the Purpose Statement.

Not a very auspicious presentation of something that has the power to transform your success.


Sadly, this situation is not unusual with well-intentioned organizations. They spend the time and effort to clarify a compelling and authentic purpose. But then that is as far as it goes. Except for burying it way down on the 'About' page where few will ever see it.

What to do with that brand purpose

Immediately after formalizing your purpose statement, I recommend creating your Rallying Cry.

Your Rallying Cry is the short statement that captures the essence of your brand purpose. It is the emotional shorthand. As such, it is the most potent verbal expression of your brand and your purpose.

Most notably, a well-crafted Rallying Cry can be used both inside and outside of your organization, making it invaluable for motivating your team as well as inspiring all those you hope to serve. That includes customers, prospects, influencers, and more.

So let's get to it. Here are some resources to help you build that take-your-breath-away, goose-bump-inducing Rallying Cry

Your brand purpose can become one of your most valuable assets. But only if people can understand and connect with it. That's why a Rallying Cry is crucial. It is the key to bringing your brand purpose to life. And to the forefront of your organization.