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Insight roundup: Tapping into user experience

There have been a number of good articles over the past weeks about the growing importance of the user experience you are creating. I’ve gathered three that illustrate the need to turn your focus to your user experience.

There is a key to successfully deploying user experience design. 

An interesting article from eConsultancy looks at how to embrace user experience design with your organization. The key is shifting from a company focused approach to a more user focused approach.

Experience innovation’s role in a unique user experience.

Thinking about how you might re-chart the customer journey could lead to real innovation. Rather than focusing on the product, it starts with understanding the user issues. Check out all the insight in this Co.Design post.

How to convince your CFO of the need for user experience design.

Design-driven businesses have outperformed the S&P by a whopping 228% over the past 10 years? This research demonstrates the financial impact good user experience design can have. Check out the full post at Co.Design.